Fort St. John Creative Hub Feasibility Study

Our team worked with the Fort St. John Community Arts Council to develop a feasibility study for the development of a new creative hub in the community. The project included engagement with local and regional arts and culture groups, best practices review, comparative analysis, building program analysis, location analysis, vision and guiding principles development, operational analysis, and identification of preliminary capital budget allowances. Several concept design options were put forward in the study, in addition to recommended next steps to move forward with the development of a new creative hub in Fort St. John.

Project Highlights


Arts and culture groups were invited to provide their input toward the study through a stakeholder survey, facilitated input sessions, and interviews with the consulting team. We received a strong amount of engagement and the input received was directly reflected in the feasibility study.



The study was supported by a detailed operational analysis that included recommendations for operating models, organizational structure, staffing, operations, programming, service level expectations, and operational revenue and expense projections.



The building options put forward in the study included opportunities to expand an existing facility or build a new facility on a vacant plot of land. The attributes, constraints, and future implications of each option were carefully considered in order to rank them in terms of their desirability.  

Photo Credits: EMC (Above), Adobe (Left)